What to Know: Sports Medicine Guidelines and Scheduling Expectations


FCA has employed Dr. Chrissy Rickert as the Director of Sports Medicine and Team Physical therapist in order to prioritize athletic injury management and rehabilitation for current FCA athletes. This includes evaluation of injuries sustained during FCA practices or game competitions, appropriate medical treatment and emergency management, rehabilitation, and return to play guidelines as well as further recommendations for appropriate medical care or referral when needed. The expectations are that students and non-athletes who are injured outside of FCA training are to be evaluated by their own family physician or through urgent care if necessary. Please do not send in students to be assessed who have had injuries at home or on another non-FCA sports team. However; if they are a current student-athlete, they may need evaluation in order to be able to participate in practices or games, in that case, they may schedule to be evaluated.

We have the blessing of growing enrollment and a high participation rate of students that are involved in multiple sports. With the growing number of athletes needing treatment across middle school and high school, this prompted the need to reevaluate the volume and efficiency of athletic training needs. Providing the best and most appropriate care that is in the best interest of the athlete is the sole objective of our sports medicine provider. (It is God who works in us to accomplish His purpose Phil 2:13)


Scheduling Expectations

All athletes that require non-urgent evaluation and/or treatment NEEDS to schedule via the google calendar by appointment only. This is located via the link:
https://calendar.app.google/5WVnpgHMygPCvkno6 or by QR code posted on the sports medicine rehab door. You can do this during the school day or after practice/game or online if needed for non-urgent care.

If there is an urgent medical emergency or injury, this will be prioritized over any appointment treatment session during that time. Urgent and non-urgent treatment needs may also be addressed during practice time for each team in addition to scheduling.

Athletes need to plan ahead for home/away games and schedule accordingly with Dr. Rickert, depending on departure time, to allow for adequate time for any pregame treatment. Please do not stop in 5 min before your bus is leaving and expect to have appropriate care! During home games, Dr. Rickert’s priority is to the teams during the game, therefore non-urgent needs may be scheduled for the next day. Urgent injuries and emergencies will always take precedence in any and all circumstances.

There will also be designated times allotted for FCA teachers/staff that would like a complimentary PT consultation the first Thursday of every month from 3:30-4:00. Please use the google schedule to sign up for the best time management.

The blessing of our growing enrollment creates the need to address volume in a more efficient manner that will allow for a sustainable environment to provide the best attention to the needs of our athletes. As our sole sports medicine provider, Dr. Rickert’s increase in demand has initiated the need to consider these changes but is necessary in order to provide the best possible care. (Ask, seek, knock Matt 7:7)

We have a responsibility to each athlete not for each athlete, and helping them learn to take responsibility for themselves is important for learning accountability which provides biblical development God desires. (prov. 13: 18, 24)
